Downtown Greensboro Kiosks II

Red-Winged Blackbird was featured on kiosks across Downtown Greensboro in July and August 2023. Creative Greensboro's Downtown Art Program supports and raises community awareness of local artists while enhancing downtown with original works of art. The program is rotating and you can find new art featured on the kiosks every ten weeks. It can be [...]

Cambria Hotel – Columbia

The new Cambria Hotel Columbia (Downtown the Vista) recently opened in South Carolina. Cambria Hotels is an upscale hotel franchise owned by Choice Hotels International, Inc. It's located at 1000 Lady Street and features a variety of local art and decor reflecting the community. Two of my designs are featured in the elevators! Cambria Hotel [...]

Downtown Greensboro Kiosks

Through April 24, 2022 In Bloom will be featured on kiosks across downtown Greensboro, NC. One of ten selected local artists, my work is on display first alongside the work of Kym Cooper. Work by the eight other artists then will rotate through the display, two at a time, through early 2023. Kiosks feature QR [...]

Holiday Invitational

It's time for the 4th Annual Holiday Invitational at the Center for Visual Arts. The exhibit is hybrid. Visitors can stop by in-person to see all the available works, or visit the online gallery which features a smaller selection. The exhibit features handmade gifts and artworks by over 50 local artists, including paintings, photography, scarves [...]

Garden Party Online Exhibition

Opening on Earth Day! The Latela Curatorial Garden Party Online Exhibition is a digital group exhibition celebrating the visual and conceptual nature of blossoming as we collectively welcome Spring/Summer 2021. This 6-week online exhibition includes artworks for purchase across a variety of art media. All exhibition artworks are available for purchase. Collecting art is a [...]

Quarantine Edition

Hello! I hope this post finds you healthy and safe at home. I want to take this time to share a few long overdue updates. The Columbia Museum of Art Back in February the CMA opened their new exhibit It's Alive! featuring the horror collection of Metallica's Kirk Hammett. In celebration, the gift shop features [...]

The Human Condition

Latela Curatorial is hosting The Human Condition, a mixed media group exhibition through October 5th, 2019. The exhibit is curated by Madison Bolls, and features over a dozen amazing mixed media artists. You can view the exhibit catalog here. I am thrilled to be exhibiting two collages! The "human condition" is defined as "the characteristics, key events, [...]

Only Rain Down the Drain

This summer I had the opportunity to paint four storm drains across Columbia, South Carolina for a great initiative with One Columbia, Richland County, and Columbia Water. I came across the call for artists on the Congaree River Keeper Facebook page put out by One Columbia seeking artists to submit their portfolios for consideration. I [...]

Sustainable Art Practices

Cultivating sustainable practices in my daily life are important to me. I try to bring this into my art practice as well. Some days it can be hard to reconcile how wasteful the artistic process can be. I have used many a canvas, stack of paper, or other material, only to hate the end result [...]